Category: News

Donatella Chiara Bedello’s monography

Donatella Chiara Bedello’s monography

Open Doors is the first monography about Donatella Chiara Bedello, hyperrealist painter of colorful and detailed New York shopwindows from the '70s, some of which are still open.

January 3, 2024June 1, 2024
Arte Padova 2023

Arte Padova 2023

From the Jewish Ghetto of Venice to Arte Padova, dal 10 al 13 novembre 2023 ci trovate allo stand 218 del padiglione 7!

October 20, 2023November 13, 2023
Persona che legge un giornale con un articolo sulla galleria

Et Cetera: our newsletter

Et Cetera is our newsletter. We write you when we can, once a month or every two months, and only when we have something to say. We develop aspects of Venice which can help you living it like "real Venetians"

October 18, 2023June 1, 2024